School Board

Board Purpose and Function

The affairs of Western Christian School shall be managed by a Board of Directors. The process for appointment of these members is described in policy BBA. The Board of Directors shall, through its chosen administrator and staff, oversee the implementation and coordination of the total school

The Board shall be guided in its decisions by the Cornerstone Christian School Mission Statement.

The primary function of the Board is to ensure the mission of the school is being followed. Other
specific functions include:

1. Meet on a regular basis with the school administration to conduct ongoing business.
2. Hire a competent administrator and evaluate performance on a regular basis.
3. Ensure the development and upkeep of a current Board Policy Manual.
4. Adopt and monitor the School budget to ensure financial stability.
5. Assist in the selection of qualified faculty and staff and provide for salaries and benefits.
6. Provide and maintain adequate facilities.
7. Engage in long-range planning.
8. Exercise spiritual leadership by example and in decision-making.
9. Analyze annually its own composition and performance.

Cornerstone Christian Academy’s Board of Directors shall oversee the continuing operation of the school’s business affairs. The responsibilities of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, making policy, acting on matters of personnel including hiring and firing pursuant to other provisions of the Bylaws, establishing tuition and fees, promoting Christian education in the community, and praying for the ministry of the school.

  1. Members of the Board of Directors shall be born-again believers and subscribe without reservation to the corporation’s statement of Faith and Philosophy of Education.
  2. Members of the Board of Directors shall be Christian role models in the school and the community.
  3. No paid employee or spouse of a paid employee shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors shall receive no compensation for their services. The Board may authorize the reimbursement of expenses incurred by any Board member in the performance of official business for the school.

Board of Directors Membership and Election

  1. The Board of Directors of Western Christian School will appoint a Recruitment and Retention Sub-Committee which is responsible for submitting board candidates to the Superintendent and full board for affirmation.
  2. The Board shall be composed of ten (10) to thirteen (13) Directors representing a wide spectrum in gifting. No more than two (2) shall be from any single congregation.
  3. All elected Board of Directors shall serve a three (3) year term and may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms.
  4. When a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the term vacated, based on the Bylaws of the corporation.

Board Member Qualifications

  1. Be a regular attendee in good standing of a Christian Church.
  2. Demonstrate a life of faith and obedience to the Word of God, supportive of Evangelical theology
  3. Have interest in Christian education, willing to attend meetings and serve on committee/officer assignments.
  4. Demonstrate personal qualities that contribute to Board balance and effectiveness.
    • Be objective and willing to look at all sides of an issue.
    • Be futuristic in outlook balanced by an understanding and respect for the past.
    • Bring experience and abilities that contribute to wide representation in various areas such as
      education, business, the pastorate, personnel management, missions, cross-cultural, and the
      parental perspective.

Code of Conduct

As a member of this faith-based, not-for-profit board I will:

  1. Perpetuate the vision and ministry of the organization.
  2. Listen carefully and respectfully to other board members – respect the opinions of others
  3. Respect and support the majority decisions of the board.
  4. Recognize that authority is only vested in the full board when it meets in legal session.
  5. Keep informed about issues that may come before the board.
  6. Participate actively in board and committee meetings.
  7. Prepare for board and committee meetings in advance.
  8. Bring to the attention of the board any issues that may adversely affect the organization or those we serve.
  9. Approach all board issues with an open mind to make the best decisions for everyone involved.
  10. Interpret the needs of those we serve to the organization and the organization’s actions to those we serve.
  11. Focus my efforts on the mission and ministry of the organization – not on my personal goals.
  12. Refer complaints to the proper level in our chain of command.
  13. Understand that my job is to see that the organization is well-managed, not to manage the organization.
  14. Represent everyone this organization serves, not a particular interest group.
  15. . Act as a “trustee” of this organization and work carefully to ensure that it is well-maintained, financially secure, growing, and operating in the best interest of those served.
  16. Declare any conflict of interest between my personal life and my position on the board and abstain from voting when appropriate.
  17. Represent the organization in the community and promote good relations

As a member of this faith-based, not-for-profit board I will NOT:

  1. Unduly criticize fellow board members, the Superintendent, or employees of the school either in or out of the board room.
  2. Discuss the confidential workings of the board outside the board room.
  3. Use the organization for my personal advantage or for the advantage of my friends, family, or associates.
  4. Declare how I will vote prior to a meeting
  5. Interfere with the Superintendent’s duties, with day-to-day management, or undermine his authority with staff members.
  6. Accept any compensation, benefits, gifts or gratuities of any kind as a result of my service to Cornerstone Christian School.